Planning for 2016
I can’t believe 2015 is almost over. This time last year I was working hard on my first embroidery designs, and I’ve learned so much since then. Thank you to everyone who cheered me on, tested designs, and bought the final product. I couldn’t do it without you!
I tackled quite a few things this year that I hadn’t anticipated, like the new website, moving, collaborating with Lauren of Wearing History, and offering hand embroidery patterns. I finally have all the designs I released this year up in the shop in both hand and machine formats, and from here on out, all my designs will be available in both formats.
I still have a couple designs in the queue I want to finish up before the end of the year, but I’m already starting to think ahead to next year. I’ve been hinting at one big project for 2016 – an 18th c. waistcoat design, which I hope will be the first of many. A waistcoat has been my goal since the beginning, and the smaller projects along the way have helped develop my skills so it won’t be so overwhelming to tackle. It’s a bigger project that requires pattern making as well as designing embroidery, since the embroidery absolutely has to fit the shape of the waistcoat pattern.
I know people are eagerly awaiting a waistcoat, because I hear that question almost every week. What I’d love to know now is what else would get you really excited to do an embroidery project if I put in the shop? Accessories? Borders? Different time periods? Classes or tutorials?
I put together a quick poll of some ideas that were suggested this year, but feel free to add your own, including links to examples if you have them. You can also leave comments on the poll or on the blog post if you like the item (say, a reticule) but like a different style or design than the one I used in the poll.
Thank you!