
Moving day!

I’ve been hard at work this week making updates to the business website, and I’m excited to give you all a tour!

First up, I have updated the Home page and overall look of the website, making it cleaner and simpler for both me and you. The business has made some major changes this year, and I wanted the website to show off where it is now while still allowing for future growth.

The update also allowed me to add a Gallery page, which I never seemed to get around to adding on the old site. As I do more embroidery projects, this will be the best place to get a feel for the work I do.

I was able to create a new Blog page and transfer over all my old blog posts. If you have blog posts saved in bookmarks or Pinterest, don’t worry! I’m redirecting all the pages so your links should still work for now. Depending on what you bookmarked, some links may take you to a category page or search page instead, so let me know if you’re having trouble finding anything you want to read.

If you were a follower of the old blog, unfortunately there is no way to automatically move your subscription to the new site. However, there is a shiny new Subscribe box at the top right of the blog pages where you can sign up for email subscriptions to be alerted to new posts on this site.

Best of all, I added a Shop to the website page! It has all of the digital embroidery downloads as well as a few options for custom items based on our stock designs. If you’re already coming here to check out the blog, you shouldn’t have to go to another site to buy. I also figured I may as well make the leap now when I only had a handful of products, rather than later when it started to fill up.

If you’re looking for embroidery samples at a great discount, or would like to pay with a method other than PayPal, you can still head over to the Etsy Shop for now. I plan to leave it up for the time being, but it won’t be my primary method of sales going forward.

Also, remember to sign up for our newsletter to get updates of new releases and coupons! I’m planning to celebrate the new site and St. Patrick’s day with a coupon for newsletter subscribers, so you still have time to opt-in before it gets sent out. Don’t forget to check your email to validate your subscription, because you won’t get emails until you do.

So take a look around and let me know what you think. Comments and suggestions are always welcome!

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